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6th EAI International Symposium on Pervasive Computing Paradigms for Mental Health

November 28–29, 2016 | Barcelona, Spain


Prof. Gustavo Deco - head of the Computational Neuroscience Group and Director of the Center of Brain and Cognition

Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain


Prof. Dr. Phil. Dr. Rer. Nat. Habil. Gustavo Deco is Research Professor at the Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avanats and Full Professor at the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona) where he is head of the Computational Neuroscience Group and Director of the Center of Brain and Cognition.
He studied Physics at the National University of Rosario (Argentina) where he received his diploma degree in Theoretical Atomic Physics. In 1987, he received his Ph.D. degree in Physics for his thesis on Relativistic Atomic Collisions. In 1987, he was a post doctoral fellow at the University of Bordeaux in France. In the period from 1988 to 1990, he obtained a post doctoral position of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the University of Giessen in Germany. From 1990 to 2003, he has been with the Neural Computing Section at the Siemens Corporate Research Center in Munich, Germany, where he led the Computational Neuroscience Group.

Prof. Jakob Bardram

Professor at DTU, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen
Director of Copenhagen Center for Health Technology (CACHET)

Jakob E. Bardram, PhD, is a professor at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) where he directs the COPENHAGEN CENTER FOR HEALTH TECHNOLOGY, which is co-organized with the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, at the University of Copenhagen (KU-SUND), where he is also an adjunct professor. He is the co-founder, board member, and Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) of Monsenso ApS. His main research areas are human-computer interaction (HCI) and user interface software technology (UIST), software architecture, pervasive computing, and pervasive healthcare.

Dr. Bardram received his PhD in Computer Science Department from the University of Aarhus (AU), Denmark (1998). Before joining DTU, he was a professor at the IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) and an Associate professor at the Computer Science Department, AU (2003-6). Dr. Bardram is a co-founder of 3 companies: CLC bio A/S, Cetrea A/S, and Monsenso ApS. He has served on the board of directors of Cetrea 2006-14 and Monsenso ApS since 2013, and has been the CEO of Cetrea A/S twice.


Mental disorders like depression and bipolar disorder impose a very high societal burden in terms of cost, lost productivity, morbidity, suffering, and mortality, and is a leading cause of disability and disease burden worldwide. According to EU, depression-related diseases are among the most pressing public health concern today, and account for more than 7% of all estimated health and premature mortality costs in Europe, only exceeded by heart disease and cancer. According to WHO, mental health is the fastest growing chronic disease and is one of the leading causes to disability worldwide.

In this talk I will present our research into the design of personal health technologies for patients suffering from mental disorders. Based on research done as part of the EU-funded MONARCA project, I will present the user-centred design of the technology and present results from clinical pilot trials. I will also share our experience in being part of “real” randomized clinical trial that seeks to establish clinical evidence for the efficacy of personal health technology in improving treatment outcome. I will reflect upon the challenges of combining a user-centred, agile, flexible design process with a rigours clinical trial.